100% Customizable Streaming Platform

Robust. No monthly fees. No usage limits.

We help leading brands create cutting-edge streaming services.

SKY DIRECTV GO: A groundbreaking project in streaming at 60x lower cost

One of the largest financial education platforms was created with Play Prime

Is your content top-notch? Your technology should be too.

Is your content top-notch? Your technology should be too.

80% faster to launch

Get to market faster with your own streaming platform.

Absolutely any integration

Our development team connects your platform to any other solution.

100% Customizable Platform

Customize the platform functions exactly as your business needs.

You own it entirely

No monthly fees, no renting the platform. The source code and all ownership are yours.

Unlimited Scalability

When the code and infrastructure are yours, there are no limits to your growth.

500+ functions for you to build as you wish

Play Prime works like Lego pieces. Choose the functions you want or create something new.

As quick to launch as SaaS.

Customizable like from scratch.

More robust and secure than both.

As quick to launch as SaaS.
Customizable like from scratch.

A universe of


A universe of

Any Custom Function

See how to create your streaming

with Play Prime:

Context Evaluation

We understand your current business structure and content.

Software Module Selection

We plan your platform together for both client-facing and administrative needs.

Customization Team

Everything is customized to fit exactly as you want.

Launch and Support

Deliver an incredible new experience for your students or subscribers.

It’s not really comparable but we made a table anyway:

Market Platform

No monthly fees, forever.

+500 features for you to choose and customize.

Netflix-style robustness and usability.

You own the platform (source code).

Unlimited and on-demand access and storage.

We create new features from scratch.

Scalable infrastructure: supports millions of users.

Integrations with any other software.

Protection for your content at multiple levels.

Play Prime was created by those who develop software for global brands.

Recognized by the Financial Times as the fastest-growing Brazilian company in the Americas.

Among the top three app developers in Latin America, delivering projects in over 30 countries.

The world’s largest companies in 10 sectors develop software with UDS.

UDS develops software for brands like:

Frequently Asked Questions

Play Prime is a fully customizable streaming platform. It has over 500 available features, and you can choose those that make the most sense for your business.

Like Lego pieces, you select the functionalities and build your personalized streaming platform easily and quickly.

No. Your company only pays once for the functionalities you choose. All intellectual property and platform structure become yours. After that, you can use your streaming service as much as you want, without ever paying again.

Yes. Behind Play Prime is the technical team of UDS Technology, a company with over 20 years of software development experience, serving global brands like SKY, Samsung, the UN, and Yamaha. This means you have the necessary support to handle any migration, ensuring security and stability for your clients.

Yes. Upon acquiring the platform, the ownership of the source code becomes yours. You can use it indefinitely and rely on our support to make any customizations you want.

Play Prime was built with a robust and elastic architecture, based on the world’s largest cloud providers (Amazon, Google Cloud, and Azure). This means it is ready to scale according to your needs, from low access volumes to streaming for millions of users with simultaneous requests. All this, without compromising the security of your business and user data.

The investment varies according to the features you choose and other characteristics of your project. Generating a quote to have your streaming platform with Play Prime is quick:

  1. Our specialists talk with you to understand your needs.
  2. We create a personalized proposal to achieve your goals.

Click here to speak with a specialist and start your quote.

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